Top 5 Tips for Creating Great Facebook Content With over 1 billion Facebook users it is no wonder that it is the most popular social network. It is a means of communication for not only people looking to keep in contact with others but also a way for brands to build top of mind awareness with both their existing and potential consumers. Through Facebook and strategic posting you can build you brand in a non traditional method. In my opinion there are 5 ways to create great Facebook content that will increase both interactivity on your page and revenue. If you implement these 5 tips you will begin to see a huge difference in the development of your brand. These are tips that I have personally tried and tested and can vouch that they will bring your brand to the next level.

1. Post content that is of interest to your target audience. The key to developing good Facebook content is to post about what your audience is interested in. It is important not to just post about what you are offering to the customer as it can come across as pushy. If you are aware of the fans of your page, their interests and why they have liked it you will know what interests them. For example, Red Bull are aware that their fans are interested in action and adrenalin based activities. Through this observation they can develop posts that interest their fan base. Here they have posted a link to a jump which indirectly links to the Red Bull Skydive event. If you can post about things that interest your Facebook fans that indirectly link to your brand or product this is a sure way to begin to create great Facebook content.

Red Bull Interaction

2. Post regularly, but not too often. It is important to have a constant presence in your fans timelines, after all you are aiming to create top of mind awareness. Although it can be difficult to reach a happy medium as a rule of thumb you should be posting daily and no more than twice a day. This way people will be aware of you brand but it will not be overwhelming. If you look at the worlds most successful brands they have stuck to this generally and it has allowed them to build their following. According to Social Bakers  ideally a brand should post between 5 – 10 times a day and a media company should post 4 – 10 times more. This is due to the fact that to inform people of the news it is an activity that must happen 24 hours a day. 3. Post a variety of content. Variety is key! Look at it this way, if you could only eat apples for the rest of your life you would be sick of eating them after a day! Likewise, if you only interact with your audience in one method they will get bored. Great Facebook content focuses around these central concepts but don’t forget a balance of them all is what leads to interaction.

  • Photos
  • Videos
  • Post with  link to your website
  • Press Releases
  • Blog Posts

4. Plan Ahead. As interaction is key, we need to keep people engaged as much as possible. The only way to do this is to post regularly. I know this sounds easier than it sounds considering that there isn’t always time to post. This is where scheduling posts can help you. Although I would not recommend scheduling every post, when you are stuck for time this can be your best friend! If you are not sure how to do this, have a look at Facebook’s advice on how to schedule a post.

5. Analyse your Analytics. One of the best tools on Facebook for fan pages is their analytics tools. This allows you to see what age your target audience is, the posts that your fans are engaging with most, the best times to post according to viewership and so many other great insights into your audience. Without this it basically is all a guessing game! This allows you to get to know your audience and tailor your content to what they like.

By applying these five tips to your Facebook fan page you should see an increase in interaction as a direct result of improving your content.

Best of luck!

Yours Digitally,


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